
Đây là những câu chuyện nghề nghiệp của những cá nhân đa dạng làm việc trong nhiều ngành nghề khác nhau. Xem hoặc đọc về những gì đã truyền cảm hứng cho họ theo đuổi sự nghiệp, những gì họ đã lớn lên, những gì họ yêu thích nhất về sự nghiệp của họ và nhiều hơn nữa!

Wendy Woodman Digital Marketer
Gladeo reporter Katelyn interviews Wendy about her career as a digital media operations analyst at Frequence.
Shelkie Water Efficient Gardens
Gladeo reporter Katelyn interviews Shelkie about her career as a landscape designer and founder of Water Efficient Gardens.
Curtis Finger Photographer
Gladeo reporter Katelyn interviews Curtis about his career as a photographer specializing in architecture, event and portrait photography.
Jason Agron Gladeo Creative Producer
Gladeo reporter Katelyn interviews Jason about his career as a senior creative producer at Photobomb Productions. Jason shares his story on his transition from being a photographer to being a creative producer.
Lisa Stone Photographer Gladeo
Gladeo reporter Katelyn interviews Lisa about her career as a wedding photographer and running her own business.
Gladeo FACT video lab Tech
Learn what a lab tech is, what education and training is needed and more!